Rainbow loader with html with CSS

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CSS body { background-color:black; } #load{ position:absolute ; top:30%; left:17%; right:17%; } #load1{ border:10px outset red; border-radius:50%; width:220px; height:220px; margin:auto; border-left-color:transparent ; border-bottom-color:transparent ; border-right-color:transparent ; animation:spin 3s linear infinite ; } #load2{ border:10px outset yellow; border-radius:50%; width:190px; height:190px; margin:auto; border-right-color:transparent ; border-left-color:transparent ; border-bottom-color:transparent ; animation:spin 3s linear infinite ; } #load3{ border:10px inset blue; border-radius:50%; width:160px; height:160px; margin:auto; border-right-color:transparent ; border-bottom-color:transparent ; border-left-color:transparent ; animation:spin 3s linear infinite ; } #load4{ border:10px outset rgb(0,200,0); border-radius:50%; width:130px; height:130px; margin:auto; border-right-color:transparent ; border-bottom-color:transparent ; border-left-color:transparent ; animation:spin 3s linear infinite ; } #load5{ border:10px inset cyan; border-radius:50%; width:100px; height:100px; margin:auto; border-right-color:transparent ; border-bottom-color:transparent ; border-left-color:transparent ; animation:spin 3s linear infinite ; } #load6{ border:10px outset orange; border-radius:50%; width:70px; height:70px; margin:auto; border-right-color:transparent ; border-bottom-color:transparent ; border-left-color:transparent ; animation:spin 3s linear infinite ; } #load7{ border:10px outset gold; border-radius:50%; width:40px; height:40px; margin:auto; border-right-color:transparent ; border-bottom-color:transparent ; border-left-color:transparent ; animation:spin 3s linear infinite ; } @keyframes spin{ 100%{transform:rotateZ(360deg);} } #watch{ padding:20px; text-align:center ; font-size:30px; background-color:cyan; left:0; } #watch a{ text-decoration:none; color:black; margin:auto; }


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