
androind os that can be used in virtual box

 androind os that can be used in virtual box Yes, it is possible to use Android in a virtual machine using software such as Oracle Virtual Box. Here is a general outline of the steps you can follow: Download and install Virtual Box: Virtual Box is a free, open-source virtualization software that allows you to run multiple operating systems on your PC. You can download it from the Oracle website at Download an Android ISO image: An ISO image is a file that contains the contents of an operating system's installation media. You will need to download an Android ISO image to install Android in Virtual Box. There are several sources for Android ISO images, including the Android-x86 project ( ) and the Phoenix OS project ( ). Create a new virtual machine: Once you have Virtual Box installed and an Android ISO image downloaded, you can create a new virtual machine to run Android. In Virtual Box, click the

introduction to rust

what is rust?  Rust is a programming language developed by Mozilla. It is a statically-typed, compiled language that runs on a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and even embedded devices. One of the main features of Rust is its emphasis on safety and reliability. It has a strong type system and a borrow checker, which helps prevent common programming errors such as null or dangling pointer references. It also has a low-level control over system resources, which makes it well-suited for systems programming tasks such as building operating systems, web browsers, and game engines. Rust has a growing community of developers and a large ecosystem of libraries and tools. It has a friendly and welcoming community, with a code of conduct that emphasizes inclusivity and respect. Some of the advantages of Rust include: Memory safety: Rust has a borrowing and ownership system that prevents many common programming errors such as null or dangling pointer references. High per

how to make photos thumnails visible in windows 10

 how to make photos thumnails visible in windows 10  To make thumbnails for your photos visible in Windows 10, follow these steps: Open the File Explorer on your Windows 10 computer. Navigate to the folder containing the photos for which you want to view the thumbnails. In the top menu, click on the "View" tab. In the "View" tab, click on the "Options" button. In the "Folder Options" window, click on the "View" tab. Under the "Advanced settings" section, find the "Always show icons, never thumbnails" option and make sure it is not checked. Click on the "Apply to Folders" button to apply these changes to all folders on your computer. Click on the "OK" button to close the "Folder Options" window. After following these steps, the thumbnails for your photos should be visible in the File Explorer.

BTS’ RM included in 2022 Artnet Innovators List!

BTS’ RM included in 2022 Artnet Innovators List! Seoul [South Korea], December 2 (ANI/Global Economic): K-pop group BTS’ leader RM, well-known as an art lover, was included in the 35 Innovators list selected by the U.S. art media. According to Artnet News 35 Innovators list on the 1st, RM was selected as one of the innovators in the ‘Investors’ category. Artnet introduced that RM is not only an avid collector but also a savvy art patron. This year, he donated 100 million won to the Overall Korean Culture Heritage Foundation to support the restoration of a 19th-century royal bridal robe held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). RM has also lent his voice to the audio guide for LACMA’s Korea Contemporary Art Exhibition. As photos of RM visiting various exhibitions at home and abroad were posted on social media, so-called “RM tour” to see the exhibitions he visited became popular among fans. (ANI/Global Economic) This report is auto-generated from ANI news service. intresting

Introduction to the stock market

stock market The stock market is a wild and crazy place. But, it can be a lot of fun, too. I'll be your guide through the maze of the stock market, and together we'll learn how to make money in the market. Introduction to the stock market A stock market, equity market or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete) of stocks (also called shares), which represent ownership claims on businesses; these may include securities listed on a public stock exchange, as well as stock that is only traded privately. Examples of the latter include stocks of private companies which are sold to investors through equity crowdfunding platforms. Stock exchanges list shares of common equity as well as other security types, e.g. corporate bonds and convertible bonds. Stocks are categorized in various ways. One way is by the country where the company is domiciled. For example, Nestlé and Novartis are domicil

full information about game dev

game developement Welcome to my blog about game development! Here I will be sharing my insights and experiences about making video games. I hope you find my posts interesting and informative! Game Development Process The game development process is the process of designing, creating, testing, and de-bugging a video game. The game development process can be divided up into several different phases, each with its own milestones and specific tasks that need to be completed. Pre-production is the first phase of game development, and it's when the game's concept is created and the team is assembled. During pre-production, the game's concept is fleshed out and a prototype is created. Production is the second phase of game development, and it's when the actual game is created. During production, the game's artwork, music, and levels are all created. Testing & QA is the third phase of game development, and it's when the game is tested for bugs and errors. Dur

introduction to bitcoin

bitcoin Bitcoin is a digital currency that is revolutionizing the financial world. It is a decentralized form of money that is not controlled by any government or financial institution. Bitcoin is a new way of looking at money and it is changing the way we think about finances. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, without a central bank or single administrator, that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries. Transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain How Bitcoin Works Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries. Transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain. Bitcoin was invented by